Alabama |
Racking horse |
Official state horse of Alabama |
1975 |
Alabama |
Black Bear, subfamily Ursinae, Ursus americanus Pollas, 1780 |
Official state mammal of Alabama |
2006 |
Alabama |
West Indian Manatee, family Trichechidae, order Sirenia, species Trichechus manatus |
Official state marine mammal of Alabama |
2009 |
Alaska |
Moose (Alces alces) |
State land mammal |
1998 |
Alaska |
Bowhead whale |
State marine mammal |
1983 |
Alaska |
Alaskan Malamute |
Official state dog |
2010 |
Arizona |
Ringtail or Bassariscus astutus |
State mammal |
1986 |
Arkansas |
White-tailed deer |
Official mammal of the State of Arkansas |
1993 |
California |
California Grizzly Bear (Ursus Californicus) |
State animal |
1953 |
California |
California gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) |
Official State Marine Mammal |
1975 |
Colorado |
Rocky mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) |
State animal of the state of Colorado |
1961 |
Colorado |
Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) and cats (Felis catus)that are adopted from Colorado animal shelters and rescues |
State pets of the state of Colorado |
2013 |
Connecticut |
Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) |
State animal |
1975 |
Delaware |
Grey fox |
Official wildlife animal of the State |
2010 |
Delaware |
Golden Retriever |
Official dog of the State |
2016 |
Florida |
Florida panther |
Official Florida state animal |
1982 |
Florida |
Manatee |
Florida state marine mammal |
1975 |
Florida |
Porpoise |
Florida state saltwater mammal |
1975 |
Florida |
Florida cracker horse (marshtackie) |
Official Florida state horse |
2008 |
Georgia |
Right whale |
Official Georgia State marine mammal |
1985 |
Georgia |
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) |
Official Georgia state mammal |
2015 |
Georgia |
Adoptable dog |
Official Georgia state dog |
2016 |
Hawaii |
Humpback whale |
Official marine mammal of the State |
1979 |
Hawaii |
Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) |
Official mammal of the State |
2008 |
Hawaii |
Ōpe'ape'a or Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus) |
Official land mammal of the State |
2015 |
Idaho |
Appaloosa horse |
State horse of the state of Idaho |
1975 |
Illinois |
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) |
Official State animal of the State of Illinois |
1982 |
Indiana |
[ None ] |
Iowa |
[ None ] |
Kansas |
American buffalo (Bos or Bison americanus) |
Official animal of the state of Kansas |
1955 |
Kentucky |
Thoroughbred horse |
State horse of Kentucky |
1996 |
Kentucky |
Gray squirrel |
State wild game animal species |
1968 |
Louisiana |
Louisiana Catahoula Leopard dog |
Official state dog |
1979 |
Louisiana |
Black bear |
Official state mammal |
1992 |
Maine |
Moose |
State animal |
1979 |
Maine |
Maine coon cat |
State cat |
1985 |
Maryland |
Calico cat |
State cat |
2001 |
Maryland |
Chesapeake Bay retriever |
State dog |
1964 |
Maryland |
Thoroughbred horse |
State horse |
2003 |
Massachusetts |
Tabby cat |
Official cat of the commonwealth |
1988 |
Massachusetts |
Boston terrier |
Dog or dog emblem of the commonwealth |
1979 |
Massachusetts |
Morgan horse |
Horse or horse emblem of the commonwealth |
1970 |
Massachusetts |
Right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) |
Marine mammal or marine mammal emblem of the commonwealth |
1980 |
Michigan |
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) |
Official game mammal of this state |
1997 |
Minnesota |
[ None ] |
Mississippi |
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) |
State land mammal of Mississippi |
1974 |
Mississippi |
Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) |
State land mammal of Mississippi |
1997 |
Mississippi |
Bottlenosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) |
State water mammal of Mississippi |
1974 |
Missouri |
Missouri Mule |
Official animal of the state of Missouri |
1995 |
Missouri |
Missouri Fox Trotting Horse |
Official state horse of the state of Missouri |
2002 |
Montana |
Grizzly bear, (Ursus arctos horribilis) |
Official Montana state animal |
1983 |
Nebraska |
Whitetail deer (Odocoileus virginianus) |
Official state mammal |
1981 |
Nevada |
Desert Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) |
Official state animal of the State of Nevada |
1973 |
New Hampshire |
White tail deer |
Official state animal of New Hampshire |
1983 |
New Hampshire |
Bobcat |
The official state wildcat of New Hampshire |
2015 |
New Hampshire |
Bobcat (Lynx rufus) |
Official state wildcat of New Hampshire |
2015 |
New Jersey |
Horse (Equus caballus) |
New Jersey State Animal |
1977 |
New Mexico |
Black Bear |
Official animal of New Mexico |
1963 |
New York |
American Beaver |
Official animal of the state of New York |
1975 |
New York |
Service dog |
Official dog of the state |
2015 |
North Carolina |
Gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) |
Official State mammal of the State of North Carolina |
1969 |
North Carolina |
Plott Hound |
Official dog of the State of North Carolina |
1989 |
North Carolina |
Colonial Spanish Mustang |
Official horse of the State of North Carolina |
2010 |
North Carolina |
Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) |
Official marsupial of the State of North Carolina |
2013 |
North Dakota |
The Nokota horse |
An honorary equine of North Dakota |
1993 |
Ohio |
White-tailed Deer |
Official animal of the state |
1988 |
Oklahoma |
Bison |
State Animal of the State of Oklahoma |
1972 |
Oklahoma |
Raccoon |
Official Furbearer of the State of Oklahoma |
1989 |
Oklahoma |
White-tail deer |
Official game animal of the state of Oklahoma |
1990 |
Oklahoma |
Mexican free-tailed bat (Tadarida brasiliensis |
Official state flying mammal of the State of Oklahoma |
2006 |
Oregon |
Beaver |
Official animal of the State of Oregon |
1969 |
Pennsylvania |
Whitetail deer |
Official State animal of this commonwealth |
1959 |
Pennsylvania |
Great dane |
Official dog of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania |
1965 |
Rhode Island |
Harbor seal |
Official state marine mammal |
2016 |
South Carolina |
White-tailed deer |
Official animal of the State |
1972 |
South Carolina |
Boykin spaniel |
Official dog of the State |
1985 |
South Carolina |
Bottlenose dolphin |
Official state marine mammal |
2009 |
South Carolina |
Northern Right whale |
Official migratory marine mammal |
2009 |
South Carolina |
Marsh tacky |
Official State Heritage Horse of South Carolina |
2010 |
South Carolina |
Mule |
Official State Heritage Work Animal of South Carolina |
2010 |
South Dakota |
Coyote |
State animal of South Dakota |
1949 |
Tennessee |
Tennessee walking horse |
Official state horse |
2000 |
Tennessee |
Raccoon |
Official wild animal symbolic of the State of Tennessee |
1972 |
Tennessee |
Dogs and cats that are adopted from Tennessee animal shelters and rescues |
Official state pet |
2014 |
Texas |
Mexican free-tailed bat |
Official Flying Mammal |
1995 |
Texas |
Longhorn |
Official Large State Mammal of Texas |
1995 |
Texas |
9-Banded armadillo |
Official Small State Mammal of Texas |
1995 |
Texas |
Blue lacy |
Official State Dog Breed of Texas |
2005 |
Texas |
American quarter horse |
Official State Horse of Texas |
2009 |
Utah |
Elk |
State animal |
1971 |
Vermont |
Morgan horse |
State animal |
1961 |
Vermont |
Randall lineback |
Official state heritage breed of livestock |
2005 |
Virginia |
Virginia big-eared bat |
Official bat of the Commonwealth |
2005 |
Virginia |
American Foxhound |
Official dog |
1966 |
Washington |
Orca |
Official marine mammal of the state of Washington |
2005 |
Washington |
Olympic marmot |
Official endemic mammal of the state of Washington |
2009 |
West Virginia |
Black bear |
Official state animal |
1973 |
Wisconsin |
Badger |
State animal |
1957 |
Wisconsin |
American Water Spaniel |
State dog |
1985 |
Wisconsin |
Dairy Cow |
State domestic animal |
1971 |
Wisconsin |
White-tailed Deer |
State wildlife animal |
1957 |
Wyoming |
Bison |
State mammal |
1985 |
 Mammal Steve Parker
by Steve Parker. 72 pages. Publisher: DK Publishing, Inc. (August 2, 2004) Reading level: Ages 8+.
Here is a spectacular and informative guide to the natural world of mammals. Stunning real-life photographs of bushbabies, badgers, wallabies and more offer a unique "eyewitness" view of the natural history of mammal behavior and anatomy. See how newborn mice develop, what the inside of a molehill looks like, what a whale has inside its mouth, how a chinchilla keeps its fur clean, and the only mammals that can fly. Learn how to recognize mammal footprints, why some animals store food in their cheek pouches, why you are a mammal, and how the porcupine frightens its enemies. Discover how camels can walk on sand, what mammals looked like in the Ice Age, why some mammals have spines instead of fur, what whiskers are for, why a wallaby has a pouch, and much, much more! |
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Mammals,
edited by David W. Macdonald. 976 pages. Publisher: Princeton University Press (February 9, 2009)
The Princeton Encyclopedia of Mammals is the most comprehensive and accessible reference book on mammals available. Unsurpassed in scope and stunningly illustrated, this book covers every known living species, from aardvarks to zorros. The informative and lively text is written by acclaimed researchers from around the world and features a concise general introduction to mammals followed by detailed accounts of species and groups that systematically describe form, distribution, behavior, status, conservation, and more. There are superb full-color photos and illustrations on virtually every page that show the animals in their natural settings and highlight their typical behaviors. And throughout the book, numerous "Factfile" panels with color distribution maps and scale drawings provide at-a-glance overviews of key data. The Princeton Encyclopedia of Mammals is the definitive one-volume resource--a must-have reference book for naturalists and a delight for general readers. |
 Mammals of North America Fiona Reid
Mammals of North America: Fourth Edition (Peterson Field Guides),
by Fiona Reid. 608 pages. Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; Fourth Edition edition (November 15, 2006)
A Field Guide to Mammals of North America: The most comprehensive, in-depth, and current guide to North American mammals, this book covers all the mammals found in North America north of Mexico, including those that live in near-shore waters. The only guide to include paintings and photographs of the animals as well as photographs of mammal skulls, it has 80 color plates, plus 46 additional color illustrations and black-and-white drawings, nearly 400 range maps, and more than 100 color photographs. |