The Hoosier State
- State Site: Official Web Site of the State of Indiana
- Capital City:
- Capitol: Indiana State House
- Climate: Average Climate Information
- Abbreviations:
- Postal: IN
- Traditional: Ind.
- Admission to Union:
- Ancestry / Genealogy:
- Apartments: Indiana Apartments
- Area:
- Area Codes: Indiana Area Codes
- Biographies: Notable Indianans
- Bird:
- Birth Records: Birth and Death Certificates
- Border States:
- Citizens: Indiana Citizens
- Climate: Climatology For Indiana
- Constitution: Indiana Constitution, 19th state to enter the Union.
- County Profile: Indiana Counties
- Courts: Indiana Courts
- Current Events: Indiana News
- Death Records: Birth and Death Certificates
- Department of: Agency List
- Driving: Indiana Driver License
- Economy:
- Agriculture: Corn and soybeans are Indiana's most valuable farm products and Indiana
is a leading producer among the states. Other important crops are wheat and hay. Tomatoes are Indiana's
leading "vegetable" crop. (We know that tomatoes are a fruit, but they're categorized as a vegetable in
this case.) Other Indiana vegetables are cucumbers, onions, potatoes, snap beans and sweet corn. Leading
fruits are apples, blueberries and watermelons. Hogs are Indiana's most valuable livestock product,
followed by milk, beef cattle and eggs. Other livestock products are turkeys, ducks and sheep. [Find out more]
- Manufacturing: Manufacturing contributes more to the gross state
product in Indiana than it does in most other states. Manufacture of transportation equipment (motor vehicle parts,
aircraft parts, automobile assembly, truck and bus bodies, truck trailers, motor homes, railroad cars)
ranks first in this sector. Indiana is a leading producer of automobile parts, truck and bus bodies, truck trailers
and motor homes. Ranked second in the manufacturing sector is the production of primary metals, steel being
the most important. Indiana is also an important aluminum producing state. Chemicals (pharmaceuticals, industrial
and agricultural) are the third-ranked manufactured product in the state.
- Services: Wholesale (farm products, groceries, metal products,
transportation equipment) and retail (automobile dealerships, department stores, grocery stores,
restaurants) trade comprise Indiana's leading service industries. Community, business and personal
services (doctors' offices, private hospitals, hotels and motels, law firms, repair shops) rank second.
The finance, insurance, and real estate industries rank third in the services sector, with real estate
important due to the large sums of money involved in the development of new homes, office
buildings and other types of property.
- Mining: A leading coal-producing state, bituminous coal contributes
about 3/4 of Indiana's mining income. Other products are crushed stone, sand and gravel. Limestone
quarries produce crushed stone for roadways and building stone for construction. Clays and gypsum are
also produced in the state.
- Flag:
- Fishing:
- Flower:
- Genealogical Resources:
- Geographic Center: Indiana Geography
- Governor:
- Highest Point: Franklin Township, 1,257 feet above sea level.
- Highway Markers: Indiana
- History:
- Hunting:
- Judiciary: Indiana Courts
- Largest Cities: 10 Largest Cities
- Legislature: Indiana General Assembly
- Library: Indiana State Library
Standard Indiana Passenger Plate |
- License Plates: Indiana
- Lottery: Hoosier Lottery
- Lowest Point: Indiana Geography, Ohio River 320 feet above sea level.
- Maps: Indiana Maps
- Marriage: Indiana Marriage Report 2000
- Media:
- Motor Vehicles: Bureau of Motor Vehicles
- Motto:
- Museums: Indiana Museums
- National Forests:
- National Parks: National Parks in Indiana
- Natural Resources: Fertile soil is Indiana's greatest natural resource. Other resources of the state include mineral deposits
and abundant water.
- Newspapers: Indiana
- Nickname: for Indiana
- Non-transients: Find A Grave
- Origin of State's name: Indiana
- Political Cartoons:
- Population:
- Representatives:
- Road Side America: Indiana
- Senior Citizens: Division of Disability, Aging and Rehabilitative Services
- Song: On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away
- State Parks: Indiana State Parks and Reservoirs
- State Quarter: Indiana
- Symbols: Indiana Symbols
- Tax Forms:
- Topography: State Topography Image: Indiana
- Travel:
- Tree: Tulip Tree (Liriodendron tulipifera)
- Unclaimed Funds: Unclaimed Property
- Veteran Affairs: Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Vital Records: Department of Health Data and Statistics
- Weather:
- Web Cams: Indiana Webcams
- Zip Codes:
- Zoos: