music written by Shari A. Sarazin and lyrics written by Erma Barrett
Oh Wisconsin, land of beauty, With your hillsides and your plains, With your jackpine and your birch tree, And your oak of mighty frame. Land of rivers, lakes and valleys, Land of warmth and winter snows, Land of birds and beasts and humanity, Oh Wisconsin, I love you so. (chorus) Oh Wisconsin, land of my dreams, Oh Wisconsin, you?re all I?ll ever need. A little heaven here on earth could you be, Oh Wisconsin, land of my dreams. In the summer golden grain fields, In the winter drift of white snow, In the springtime robins singing, In the autumn flaming colors show. Oh I wonder who could wander, Or who could want to drift for long, Away from all your beauty, All your sunshine, all your sweet song. (repeat chorus) And when it?s time let my spirit run free, In Wisconsin, land of my dreams.
As a cosponsor of Senate Bill No. 171 during the 1999-2000 legislative session, State Representative Sheryl K. Albers' attempts to promote "Oh Wisconsin, Land of My Dreams" as Wisconsin's official state ballad met with little success.
Even a substitute amendment to sponsor a statewide competition for an official state ballad was received with little enthusiasm and Senate Bill No. 171 died a quiet death in the Committee on Economic Development, Housing and Government Operations.
The 2001-2002 legislative session offered another chance for Rep. Albers.
On January 16, 2001, State Representative Sheryl K. Albers introduced House Bill No. 21 proposing that "Oh Wisconsin, Land of My Dreams" be named Wisconsin's state ballad.
Shortly thereafter, Rep. Marlin Schneider approached Rep. Albers suggesting the Eddy Hanson's "Wisconsin Waltz" would make a great state waltz. In testimony to the Assembly Committee on Government Operations, Rep. Albers explained the addition of a state waltz to her original state ballad bill.
"I agreed that recognizing this song would add to the cultural heritage we celebrate here in Wisconsin, so I've had a substitute drafted that will incorporate both the ballad and the waltz as new cultural symbols for our state.
("Testimony of Representative Sheryl K. Albers")
House Bill No. 21 didn't get much traction, eventually failing to pass out of the Assembly Committee on Government Operations.
It looked like an official state ballad would again have to wait for another day.
But all was not lost. Rep. Schneider and Rep. Albers managed to rally support for their proposals in the State Senate. Senate proponents of a state waltz and a state ballad managed to get the two proposals amended to an unrelated Senate bill; Senate Bill No. 55, An Act relating to: state finances and appropriations, constituting the executive budget act of the 2001 legislature.
Senate Bill No. 55 carried both the state waltz and the state ballad to officialdom even as parts of the bill were vetoed by Governor Scott McCallum.
The State of Wisconsin also adopted an official state song in 1959 and an official state waltz, along with this ballad, in 2001.
The following information was excerpted from the Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations, Chapter 1, Section 1.10.
Sovereignty, Jurisdiction and Civil Divisions of the State.
1.10 State song, state ballad, state waltz, state dance, and state symbols.
1.10 State song, state ballad, state waltz, state dance, and state symbols.
(1) The Wisconsin state song is "On, Wisconsin", music written by W. T. Purdy, the words to which are as follows: "On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin! Grand old badger state! We, thy loyal sons and daughters, Hail thee, good and great. On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin! Champion of the right, `Forward', our motto ? God will give thee might!".
(1m) The Wisconsin state ballad is "Oh Wisconsin, Land of My Dreams," music written by Shari A. Sarazin and lyrics written by Erma Barrett, the words to which are as follows: "Oh Wisconsin, land of beauty, with your hillsides and your plains, with your jackpine and your birch tree, and your oak of mighty frame. Land of rivers, lakes and valleys, land of warmth and winter snows, land of birds and beasts and humanity, oh Wisconsin, I love you so. Oh Wisconsin, land of my dreams. Oh Wisconsin, you're all I'll ever need. A little heaven here on earth could you be? Oh Wisconsin, land of my dreams. In the summer, golden grain fields; in the winter, drift of white snow; in the springtime, robins singing; in the autumn, flaming colors show. Oh I wonder who could wander, or who could want to drift for long, away from all your beauty, all your sunshine, all your sweet song? Oh Wisconsin, land of my dreams. Oh Wisconsin, you're all I'll ever need. A little heaven here on earth could you be? Oh Wisconsin, land of my dreams. And when it's time, let my spirit run free in Wisconsin, land of my dreams.
(1r) The Wisconsin state waltz is "The Wisconsin Waltz," music and lyrics written by Eddie Hansen, the words to which are as follows: "Music from heaven throughout the years; the beautiful Wisconsin Waltz. Favorite song of the pioneers; the beautiful Wisconsin Waltz. Song of my heart on that last final day, when it is time to lay me away. One thing I ask is to let them play the beautiful Wisconsin Waltz. My sweetheart, my complete heart, it's for you when we dance together; the beautiful Wisconsin Waltz. I remember that September, before love turned into an ember, we danced to the Wisconsin Waltz. Summer ended, we intended that our lives then would both be blended, but somehow our planning got lost. Memory now sings a dream song, a faded love theme song; the beautiful Wisconsin Waltz."
"House Bill 21." 2001-2001 Wisconsin Legislature. State of Wisconsin, 26 Mar. 2002. Web. 28 May 2015,
"Senate Bill 55." 2001-2002 Wisconsin Legislature. State of Wisconsin, 13 Nov. 2002. Web. 28 May 2015.
"Senate Bill 171." 1999-2000 Wisconsin Legislature. State of Wisconsin, 13 Nov. 2002. Web. 28 May 2015.
Shearer, Benjamin F. and Barbara S. State Names, Seals, Flags and Symbols: A Historical Guide Third Edition, Revised and Expanded. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 3 Sub edition, 2001.
"Testimony of Representative Sheryl K. Albers." Wisconsin State Legislature. State of Wisconsin, 30 May 2001. Web. 28 May 2015.
"Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations." Wisconsin State Legislature. State of Wisconsin, 22 May 2015. Web. 28 May 2015.
Shari Sarazin: Official website of Shari Sarazin, composer of "Oh Wisconsin, Land of My Dreams."
State songs: Complete list of official state songs from NETSTATE.COM
More symbols & emblems: Complete list of official Wisconsin state symbols from NETSTATE.COM.
State Songs of America Edited by M. J. Bristow. 184 pages. Greenwood Press (February 28, 2000)
This book provides the music and lyrics for the official songs adopted by the state governments.
Arranged alphabetically by state, each song has a single vocal line over a piano accompaniment, with one verse only under the vocal line and remaining verses appearing separately.
State Songs: Anthems & Their Origins by John Hladczuk and Sharon Schneider Hladczuk. 240 pages. Scarecrow Press (September 26, 2000)
Histories of these songs, biographical information about the composers and lyricists, and background on each song's entrance into status as official make this source the most comprehensive in existence.
The entries include sheet music, allowing readers to reproduce for themselves the tunes that have proved so important in the history of the Union.
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