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 Idaho State Raptor

Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus Adopted:2004
Idaho State Raptor
Idaho State Raptor: Peregrine Falcon

Adoption of the Idaho State Raptor

Idaho is the only state that has adopted an official raptor and it was done with the help of fourth-grade students from Peregrine Elementary School in Meridian and from St. Joseph's Elementary School in Boise.

As a result of the efforts of the students, House Bill No. 712, to adopt the peregrine falcon as the official raptor of Idaho, was introduced and read for the first time on February 16, 2004. The bill moved rapidly through the Idaho House of Representatives and was read for the required 3rd time and approved by the House ten days later on February 26.

Read for the first time in the Idaho Senate on February 27, House Bill No. 712 was approved unanimously by the Senate on March 19, 2003.

Peregrine Falcon
Official State Raptor

Governor Dick Kempthorne signed the legislation adopting the peregrine falcon as Idaho's "... state raptor of the state of Idaho." Joining Governor Kempthorne for the signing ceremony were students from St. Joseph's and Peregrine elementary schools, Bill Burnham, President of the Peregrine Fund (holding "Jess," a male falcon) and Tom Cade, founder of the Peregrine Fund.

Governor Kempthorne commended the elementary school children:

"You all had an idea. You talked about it in your classrooms and then that idea came to the State Capitol and it continued to grow and grow, and now it's going to become law. You�re awesome, all of you."

The peregrine falcon was the first species protected under the Endangered Species Act and its recovery is considered the most successful ever undertaken.

The Idaho Statutes

The following information is excerpted from the Idaho Statutes, Title 67, Chapter 45, Section 67-4512.

Additional Information

Young Peregrine Falcon
Young Peregrine Falcon

Falco peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon): University of Michigan Museum of Zoology: Animal Diversity Web.

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus): from the Peregrine Fund, Boise, Idaho.

Peregrine Falcon: Raptor Facts: The Raptor Center, University of Minnesota.

Peregrine Falcon Page of Pennsylvania: includes live video Real Player required of nesting peregrine falcon with three young ones from Harrisburg, PA.

: Editors: Tom J. Cade and William Burnham, Published by The Peregrine Fund - The visionaries who achieved the historic restoration of Peregrine Falcons in North America tell their story in a full-color hardcover book.

State Bird List: List of all of the state birds.

State Birds & Flowers 1000-pc Puzzle: Created at the request of The National Wildlife Federation this design is a beautiful and informative puzzle featuring every state bird perched on the appropriate state flower.

Bird Feeders and Accessories: Backyard Birding > Bird Feeders & Accessories from

State Names, Seals, Flags, and Symbols: A Historical Guide, Third Edition - Benjamin F. Shearer and Barbara S. Shearer, Greenwood Press, 2002

Source: Idaho Legislature Web Site, May 20, 2005
Source: Governor of Idaho, May 21, 2005
Source: State Names, Seals, Flags, and Symbols: A Historical Guide, Third Edition - Benjamin F. Shearer and Barbara S. Shearer, Greenwood Press, 2002



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