The Sunshine State
- State Site: Official Web Site of the State of Florida
- Capital City:
- Capitol:
- Abbreviations:
- Postal: FL
- Traditional: Fla.
- Admission to Union:
- Ancestry / Genealogy:
- Apartments: Florida Apartments
- Area: Florida Geography, 65,758 square miles.
- Area Codes: Florida Area Codes
- Biographies: Notable Floridians
- Bird:
- Birth Records: Birth Certificate Requests
- Border States:
- North, Alabama and Georgia
- West, Alabama
- Florida is almost completely surrounded by water. The Atlantic Ocean lies to the east and the Gulf of Mexico
lies to the west. Directly south are the Florida Keys and the Straits of Florida.
- Citizens: Florida Citizens
- Climate: Climatology For Florida
- Constitution: Florida Constitution, 27th state to enter the Union.
- County Profile: Florida Counties
- Courts: Florida State Courts
- Current Events: Florida News
- Death Records: Death Certificate Request
- Department of: Florida Agencies, Departments, Commissions, Etc.
- Driving: Driver License Information
- Economy:
- Agriculture: Oranges are Florida's most important agricultural product. Other
citrus fruits grown include grapefruit, limes, tangerines and tangelos. Tomatoes are Florida's second
leading crop. Non-citrus fruits grown include bananas, papayas. strawberries and watermelons. Vegetables
grown in Florida are cabbage, celery, cucumbers, green peppers, lettuce, potatoes, snap beans, squash
and sweet corn. Florida leads the nation in the production of sugar cane. Other field crops are peanuts,
soybeans and tobacco. Florida is second only to California in the production of greenhouse and nursery
products and ranks first in the production of indoor plants. Behind all the fruits, vegetables and
field crops, beef cattle and milk are Florida's leading livestock products. Poultry and egg production
is important along with thoroughbred horses. [Find out more]
- Manufacturing: Citrus fruit processing (fresh fruit juice, canned fruit juice,
canned fruit) leads the way in the Florida manufacturing sector. Jellies, marmalades and frozen
vegetables are processed, followed by coffee, dairy and seafood. Electrical equipment (military
communications systems, broadcasting components and telephone equipment) manufacturing ranks second,
behind the food processing industry. Other manufactured products include chemicals (fertilizer),
printed material (books, newspapers) and scientific instruments.
- Services: Service industries comprise the largest portion of the Florida economy.
The community, business and personal services sector ranks first in importance, with private health
care, law firms, hotels and amusement parks, and repair shops. Ranking second is Florida's finance,
insurance and real estate industry. Rapid growth in the Sunshine State has resulted in growth in real
estate (homes, stores, offices) development, insurance and finance including investment firms. Wholesale
(oil, citrus fruits, liquor) and retail (automobile dealerships, food stores, service stations) trade
ranks third.
- Mining: About 4/5 of the country's phosphate rock (much used in fertilizer) is
produced in Florida, making it the state's most important mined product. Oil is the second ranking mined
product followed by limestone. Clays to filter petroleum and for pottery are produced along with some
quantities of ilmenite, monazite, thorium and zircon.
- Fishing: Florida's fishing industry catches shrimp, lobsters, grouper and clams.
Commercial fishes include mackerel, mullet, swordfish and tuna. The catch includes, menhaden, oysters,
scallops and sharks as well. The major freshwater fish is catfish.
- Flag:
- Fishing:
- Flower:
- Genealogical Resources:
- Geographic Center: Florida Geography
- Governor:
- Highest Point: Britton Hill, 345 feet above sea level.
- Highway Markers: Florida
- History:
- Hunting:
- Judiciary: Florida State Courts
- Largest Cities: 10 Largest Cities
- Legislature: Florida State Legislature
- Library: State Library of Florida
- License Plates: Florida
- Lottery: Florida Lottery
- Lowest Point: Florida Geography
- Maps: Florida Maps
- Marriage: Florida Marriage Certificates
- Media:
Florida Passenger License Plate |
- Motor Vehicles: Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
- Motto:
- Museums: Florida Museums
- National Forests:
- National Parks: National Parks in Florida
- Natural Resources: Sandy beaches, sunny climate, thick forests, phosphate, mineral (limestone,
ilmenite, rutile, zircon) deposits.
- Newspapers: Florida
- Nickname: for Florida
- Non-transients: Find A Grave
- Origin of State's name: Florida
- Political Cartoons:
- Population:
- Representatives:
- Road Side America: Florida
- Senior Citizens: Department of Elder Affairs
- Song: The Swanee River (Old Folks at Home)
- State Parks: Florida State Parks
- State Quarter: Florida
- Symbols: Florida Symbols
- Tax Forms:
- Topography: State Topography Image: Florida
- Travel:
- Tree: Sabal Palmetto Palm
- Unclaimed Funds: Florida Unclaimed Property
- Veteran Affairs: Florida Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Vital Records: Vital Records - Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Divorces
- Weather:
- Web Cams: Florida Webcams
- Zip Codes:
- Zoos: