The Hawkeye State
- State Site: Official Web Site of the State of Iowa
- Capital City:
- Capitol:
- Abbreviations:
- Postal: IA
- Traditional: Ia.
- Admission to Union:
- Ancestry / Genealogy:
- Apartments: Iowa Apartments
- Area:
- Area Codes: Iowa Area Codes
- Biographies: Notable Iowans
- Bird:
- Birth Records: Birth Records
- Border States:
- Citizens: Iowa Citizens
- Climate: Climatology For Iowa
- Constitution: Iowa Constitution, 29th state to enter the Union.
- County Profile: Iowa Counties
- Courts: Iowa Judicial Branch
- Current Events: Iowa News
- Death Records: Death Records
- Department of: Complete List of State Government Agencies
- Driving: Office of Driver Services
- Economy:
- Agriculture: Hogs are Iowa's leading source of livestock income followed by
beef cattle. More hogs are raised in Iowa than in any other state. A leader in milk production, Iowa
also produces chickens and eggs. Less important livestock products of the state are turkeys, sheep and
some horses. Iowa leads the states in the production of corn and ranks among the leaders in production
of soybeans. Other major field crops include oats and hay, red clover, flaxseed, rye and wheat. The
primary fruits produced in Iowa are apples. Vegetables grown in the state include cabbages, cucumbers,
green beans, onions, potatoes and sweet corn. [Find out more]
- Manufacturing: The largest manufacturing industry in Iowa is the food processing
industry. Meatpacking plants producing canned hams and breakfast sausages are important. Other plants
produce corn oil, cornstarch, corn sugar, and glucose. One of the largest cereal mills in the United
States and the country's largest popcorn-processing plant are located in Iowa. Machinery production
(farm machinery, construction equipment) is Iowa's second-ranking manufacturing activity followed by the
production of electrical equipment (household appliances).
- Services: Iowa's leading service industry is wholesale (automobiles, farm
machinery, farm products) and retail (automobile dealerships, grocery stores, restaurants) trade. The
finance, insurance, and real estate industry ranks second with Des Moines a leading insurance center.
Community, business, and personal services (private hospitals, doctors' offices, law firms, motels,
repair shops) rank as the Hawkeye State's third most important service industry.
- Mining: Limestone is the primary mined product of Iowa. its ground up
for use in roads and in cement. Other mineral products include clays, gypsum and sand and gravel.
- Flag:
- Fishing:
- Flower:
- Genealogical Resources:
- Geographic Center: Iowa Geography
- Governor:
- Highest Point: Hawkeye Point, 1,670 feet above sea level.
- Highway Markers: Iowa
- History:
- Hunting:
- Judiciary: Iowa Judicial Branch
- Largest Cities: 10 Largest Cities
- Legislature: Iowa General Assembly
- Library: State Library of Iowa
- License Plates: Iowa
- Lottery: Iowa Lottery
- Lowest Point: Mississippi River, 480 feet above sea level.
- Maps: Iowa Maps
- Marriage: Iowa Marriage Records
- Media:
Iowa Passenger License Plate |
- Motor Vehicles: Iowa Motor Vehicle Division
- Motto:
- Museums: Iowa Museums
- National Forests: (None)
- National Parks: National Parks in Iowa
- Natural Resources: Deep layers of black, fertile topsoil covering much of the state and abundant
supplies of water are natural resources that make Iowa one of the leading farming states.
- Newspapers: Iowa
- Nickname: for Iowa
- Non-transients: Find A Grave
- Origin of State's name: Iowa
- Political Cartoons:
- Population:
- Representatives:
- Road Side America: Iowa
- Senior Citizens: Department of Elder Affairs
- Song: Song of Iowa
- State Parks: Iowa State Parks
- State Quarter: Iowa
- Symbols: Iowa Symbols
- Tax Forms:
- Topography: State Topography Image: Iowa
- Travel:
- Tree: Oak
- Unclaimed Funds: Unclaimed Property and the Great Iowa Treasure Hunt
- Veteran Affairs: Commission of Veteran's Affairs
- Vital Records: Bureau of Health Statistics
- Weather:
- Web Cams: Iowa Webcams
- Zip Codes:
- Zoos:
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