The Constitution State
- State Site: Official Web Site of the State of Connecticut
- Capital City:
- Capitol: About the Capitol
- Abbreviations:
- Postal: CT
- Traditional: Conn.
- Admission to Union:
- Ancestry / Genealogy:
- Apartments: Connecticut Apartments
- Area: Connecticut Geography
- Area Codes: Connecticut Area Codes
- Biographies: Notable Connecticuters
- Bird:
- Birth Records: The vital records at the Connecticut Department of Public Health are not
currently available online. If you require a copy of a certificate for a birth, death or marriage which
occurred in Connecticut, please contact the town clerk of the town or city where the event occurred.
[ Town Clerk Directory ]
- Border States:
- Citizens: Connecticut Citizens
- Climate: Climatology For Connecticut
- Constitution:
- County Profile: Connecticut Counties
- Courts: State of Connecticut Judicial Branch
- Current Events: Connecticut News
- Death Records: The vital records at the Connecticut Department of Public Health are not
currently available online. If you require a copy of a certificate for a birth, death or marriage which
occurred in Connecticut, please contact the town clerk of the town or city where the event occurred.
[ Town Clerk Directory ]
- Department of: Index of All State Agencies
- Driving: Driver's Licenses and Identification
- Economy: Service industries make up the bulk of Connecticut's economy. Manufacturing is also
- Agriculture: Greenhouse and nursery products (ornamental shrubs, flowers, young
plants) are Connecticut's leading source of agricultural income. Milk and eggs are the next most important
products. Tobacco and hay are the state's largest crops. [Find out more]
- Manufacturing: Production of transportation equipment, most of it for military use
(aircraft parts, helicopters, submarines), is Connecticut's most important manufacturing activity.
Ranking second is the manufacture of machinery (bearings, computers, machine tools, printing machinery)
followed by fabricated metal products (cutlery, hardware, nuts, bolts, rivets, washers, etc).
- Services: Finance, insurance and real estate are the largest industries in
Connecticut. Hartford is an insurance center. Second are the community, business and personal service
industries (as private health care, engineering and law firms, and computer and data processing services, tourism). Wholesale sale
of fuels, lumber and farm products and retail (automobile dealerships, department stores, food stores, and restaurants) rank third.
- Mining: Crushed stone is Connecticut's leading mined product followed by sand
and gravel.
- Flag:
- Fishing:
- Flower:
- Genealogical Resources:
- Geographic Center: Connecticut Geography
- Governor:
- Highest Point: Mount Frissell, 2,380 feet above sea level.
- Highway Markers: Connecticut
- History:
- Hunting:
- Judiciary: State of Connecticut Judicial Branch
- Largest Cities: 10 Largest Cities
- Legislature: Connecticut General Assembly
- Library: Connecticut State Library
- License Plates: Connecticut
- Lottery: Connecticut Lottery
- Lowest Point: Connecticut Geography
- Maps: Connecticut Maps
- Marriage: The vital records at the Connecticut Department of Public Health are not
currently available online. If you require a copy of a certificate for a birth, death or marriage which
occurred in Connecticut, please contact the town clerk of the town or city where the event occurred.
[ Town Clerk Directory ]
- Media:
Connecticut Standard Passenger Plate |
- Motor Vehicles: Department of Motor Vehicles
- Motto:
- Museums: Connecticut Museums
- National Forests: (None)
- National Parks: National Parks in Connecticut
- Natural Resources: Connecticut does not have large natural resource reserves like many other states.
There are many forests, but they are not commercially viable. Connecticut has no large mineral deposits.
Much of the soil is unsuitable for farming.
- Newspapers: Connecticut
- Nickname: for Connecticut
- Non-transients: Find A Grave
- Origin of State's name: Connecticut
- Political Cartoons:
- Population:
- Representatives:
- Road Side America: Connecticut
- Senior Citizens:
- Song: Yankee Doodle
- State Parks: Connecticut State Parks
- State Quarter: Connecticut
- Symbols: Connecticut Symbols
- Tax Forms:
- Topography: State Topography Image: Connecticut
- Travel:
- Tree: White Oak (Quercus albus)
- Unclaimed Funds: Unclaimed Property
- Veteran Affairs:
- Vital Records: The vital records at the Connecticut Department of Public Health are not
currently available online. If you require a copy of a certificate for a birth, death or marriage which
occurred in Connecticut, please contact the town clerk of the town or city where the event occurred.
[ Town Clerk Directory ]
- Weather:
- Web Cams: Connecticut Webcams
- Zip Codes:
- Zoos: