The Prairie State
- State Site: Official Web Site of the State of Illinois
- Capital City:
- Capitol:
- Abbreviations:
- Postal: IL
- Traditional: Ill.
- Admission to Union:
- Ancestry / Genealogy:
- Apartments: Illinois Apartments
- Area:
- Area Codes: Illinois Area Codes
- Biographies: Notable Illinoians
- Bird:
- Birth Records: Birth Records
- Border States:
- Citizens: Illinois Citizens
- Climate: Climatology For Illinois
- Constitution: Illinois Constitution, 21st state to enter the Union.
- County Profile: Illinois Counties
- Courts: Illinois Judiciary
- Current Events: Illinois News
- Death Records: Death Records
- Department of: Agencies, Boards & Commissions
- Driving:
- Economy:
- Agriculture: Illinois is a leading farm income state with corn as its most
important crop. Most of the crop is sold as grain and livestock feed but corn is also processed
to produce corn syrup, starch and fuel alcohol. Soybeans are the second most farm product, followed
by hay, wheat, rye, oats and grain sorghum. Hogs are the most important livestock product in the state,
followed by beef cattle, milk, chickens and eggs. Apples are the most important fruit crop in Illinois.
Other fruit crops are melons and peaches. Vegetable crops, other than sweet corn, are asparagus, cabbage,
lima beans and snap beans. [Find out more]
- Manufacturing: Illinois is also a leading manufacturing state with machinery
(construction equipment, farm machinery, machine tools) ranking first in this sector. The processed
food industry ranks second in the manufacturing sector with the chief products being baked goods,
breakfast cereals, candy, sausage, and spices. Other processed foods include dairy, sauces and soft
drinks. Chemical manufacturing (cleaning solutions, pharmaceuticals) ranks third. Other chemical products
include industrial chemicals, paint, and resins.
- Services: Service industries provide the largest portion of income to the Illinois
economy. Community, business and personal services (private health care, hotels, law firms, repair shops,
accounting firms, advertising agencies, engineering companies, law firms) lead the way in the services industry. Finance, insurance
and real estate industries rank second with real estate producing the most income in this group. Chicago is considered the financial
capital of the Midwest. Ranking third is the wholesale (hardware) and retail (automobile dealerships, department stores, drugstores,
food stores) industry.
- Mining: Coal is the most important mined product of Illinois. Petroleum, crushed
stone, sand and gravel provide a substantial contribution to the mining sector. . Other mineral products
are clays and tripoli, an abrasive silica.
- Flag:
- Fishing:
- Flower:
- Genealogical Resources:
- Geographic Center: Illinois Geography
- Governor:
- Highest Point: Charles Mound, 1,235 feet above sea level.
- Highway Markers: Illinois
- History:
- Hunting:
- Judiciary: Illinois Judiciary
- Largest Cities: 10 Largest Cities
- Legislature: Illinois General Assembly
- Library: Illinois State Library
Illinois Passenger Plate |
- License Plates: Illinois
- Lottery: Illinois Lottery
- Lowest Point: Illinois Geography, the Mississippi River; 279 feet above sea level.
- Maps: Illinois Maps
- Marriage: Illinois Marriage Records
- Media:
- Motor Vehicles: Services for Motorists
- Motto:
- Museums: Illinois Museums
- National Forests:
- National Parks: National Parks in Illinois
- Natural Resources: The state's most important natural resource is its fertile soil. Illinois also has valuable mineral deposits, including coal and petroleum.
- Newspapers: Illinois
- Nickname: for Illinois
- Non-transients: Find A Grave
- Origin of State's name: Illinois
- Political Cartoons:
- Population:
- Representatives:
- Road Side America: Illinois
- Senior Citizens: Illinois Department on Aging
- Song: Illinois
- State Parks: Illinois State Parks
- State Quarter: Illinois
- Symbols: Illinois Symbols
- Tax Forms:
- Topography: State Topography Image: Illinois
- Travel:
- Tree: White Oak (Quercus alba)
- Unclaimed Funds: Unclaimed Property
- Veteran Affairs: Department of Veterans' Affairs
- Vital Records: Department of Public Health
- Weather:
- Web Cams: Illinois Webcams
- Zip Codes:
- Zoos: