The Garden State
- State Site: Official Web Site of the State of New Jersey
- Capital City:
- Capitol:
- Abbreviations:
- Postal: NJ
- Traditional: N.J.
- Admission to Union:
- Ancestry / Genealogy:
- Apartments: New Jersey Apartments
- Area:
- Area Codes: New Jersey Area Codes
- Biographies: Notable New Jerseyites
- Bird:
- Birth Records: Birth Certificates
- Border States:
- North, New York
- West, Pennsylvania
- Delaware Bay borders Delaware on the south. The Atlantic Ocean borders Delaware on the south and east.
- Citizens: New Jersey Citizens
- Climate: Climatology For New Jersey
- Constitution: New Jersey Constitution, 3rd state to enter the Union.
- County Profile: New Jersey Counties
- Courts: New Jersey Judiciary
- Current Events: New Jersey News
- Death Records: Death Certificates
- Department of: Departments/Agencies
- Driving: Driving in New Jersey
- Economy:
- Agriculture: The most important source of agricultural income in New Jersey is
from the greenhouse and nursery products sector. Roses, chrysanthemums, geraniums, lilies, orchids and
poinsettias are all grown for the urban markets. Nursery products include grass sod and ornamental shrubs
(arborvitae, holly, juniper). The second most important source of agricultural income is milk, followed
vegetables. New Jersey is a major producer of asparagus, bell peppers, eggplant, endive, lettuce and
spinach. Cabbages, snap peas and corn are also raised. The state's most valuable fruit crops are
blueberries and cranberries. New Jersey is a leading producer. Apples, peaches and strawberries are
also important New Jersey crops. Leading field crops are soybeans, corn and wheat.
[Find out more]
- Fishing: New Jersey is a leader in the value of their clam catch with huge clam
beds available to them off their Atlantic coast. Other ocean products include blue crab, flounder, lobster,
mackerel, menhaden, porgies, scallops, squid, swordfish and whiting.
- Mining: New Jersey's most important mined products are crushed stone (traprock,
granite)and sand and gravel. Some greensand marl and peat are produced as well
- Services: Finance, insurance and real estate combine to make up New Jersey's most
important services sector. Commercial real estate (office buildings, factories) and insurance (large
insurance company headquarters) are leading sectors. Community, business (private health care, hotels
and casinos, private research laboratories) and personal services rank second in the Garden State. Other
businesses are computer programming and management consulting. Ranking third is the wholesale (leading
center for wholesale trade of chemicals and machinery) and retail (discount stores, service stations) trade group.
- Manufacturing: One of the leading states in the production of chemicals. Pharmaceuticals
are, by far, the largest sector of this market with leading pharmaceutical companies headquartered in
New Jersey. Other important products fall into the personal care category (shampoos, lotions, perfumes).
Detergents, industrial chemicals, paint and plastics resins are also manufactured in New Jersey. The
second-ranking manufacturing area is the food processing (bakery products, beverages, fruits, meats,
roasted coffee, sugar and confectionery products, vegetables) sector. The manufacture of computer and
electronic products (wireless and broadcast communications equipment, electronic components, surveillance
and navigation equipment.) ranks third.
- Flag:
- Fishing:
- Flower:
- Genealogical Resources:
- Geographic Center: New Jersey Geography
- Governor:
- Highest Point: High Point, 1,803 feet above sea level.
- Highway Markers: New Jersey
- History:
- Hunting:
- Judiciary: New Jersey Judiciary
- Largest Cities: 10 Largest Cities
New Jersey License Plate |
- Legislature: New Jersey State Legislature
- Library: New Jersey State Library
- License Plates: New Jersey
- Lottery: New Jersey Lottery
- Lowest Point: Atlantic Ocean, sea level.
- Maps: New Jersey Maps
- Marriage: New Jersey Marriage Certificates
- Media:
- Motor Vehicles: Motor Vehicles Commission
- Motto:
- Museums: New Jersey Museums
- National Forests: (None)
- National Parks: National Parks in New Jersey
- Natural Resources: Fertile soils and small deposits of minerals. New Jersey does not rely heavily
on its own natural resources, like some other states, for its economy.
- Newspapers: New Jersey
- Nickname: for New Jersey
- Non-transients: Find A Grave
- Origin of State's name: New Jersey
- Political Cartoons:
- Population:
- Representatives:
- Road Side America: New Jersey
- Senior Citizens: Aging and Community Services
- Song: (None)
- State Parks: New Jersey State Parks
- State Quarter: New Jersey
- Symbols: New Jersey Symbols
- Tax Forms:
- Topography: State Topography Image: New Jersey
- Travel:
- Tree:
- Unclaimed Funds: Unclaimed Property
- Veteran Affairs: New Jersey Veterans Affairs
- Vital Records: New Jersey Vital Records
- Voting: Division of Elections
- Weather:
- Web Cams: New Jersey Webcams
- Zip Codes:
- Zoos: