These glorious buildings are, in the author's words, "the homes of history," where laws are passed, where democracy is enacted, where history is written. Though each state capitol bears some similarity to the other forty-nine, each in its architecture and design reflects uniquely the pride of its state, both culturally and historically.
The book also discusses important moments in the history of each building and the state itself, including: - the origin of the state's name - its capital city - when the state was admitted to the Union, and - the number of members in its legislative bodies.
State governments, headquartered in their iconic capitol buildings, have been governing continuously—and largely democratically, peacefully, and openly—for more than two centuries, a record difficult to match in the history of civilization. Fifty State Capitols shows how the architecture of state capitols contributes to the success of representative government.
The formality, timelessness, and public grandeur of representative government are on public display at every one of America’s fifty state capitols. Fifty State Capitols describes the majesty and stateliness of each state capitol’s exterior form and selected interior details, in words and photographs, including a brief history of the building.